Wow. Much Sushi. Such Yum. Wow. | Tiffany Bee
Matsu’s Sumo Roll Did anyone else stop & ask how in the world February got here so quickly? I mean, technically it’s not February yet, but it’s February somewhere–I’m looking at you, Australia–so roll with me here. It seems that I always start off my posts remarking on how much time has passed, but I really don’t know how it escapes me. I look up & it says it’s 9 PM & then I look up again & all of a sudden it’s really 1:30 AM & I should be in bed. I don’t even…what… Since I’m trying to intensely study for a life altering exam known as the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test), I’ve isolated myself in my home because I know if I take a trip to the grocery store, I’m just not going to want to study after. This poses