![]() Sango Sushi’s Caterpillar Roll. |
After a long day of studying, I figured I really couldn’t focus anymore until I fulfilled my sushi craving so I ordered take-out & watched Star Trek: Into the Darkness. Sushi + Star Trek = Best Day of the Week. As Donna Meagle & Tom Haverford will tell you, sometimes when you’ve had a rough week, you just have to Treat. Yo. Self!
![]() Chirashi Bowl |
![]() Caterpillar Roll |
![]() California Roll |
I acknowledge that take-out sushi does an injustice to dine-in sushi. It in no way compares to Omakase–when your sushi chef chooses to serve you what he thinks will give you the best experience his restaurant has to offer–but it does hit a spot of sorts. I’ve had amazing sushi before & while the sushi at most sushi restaurants are not by any means Jiro grade, it’s not a crime to enjoy an Americanized roll. They’re delicious. I’m far from being a sushi connoisseur, so eat what you love so long as it’s sustainable & satisfying! Don’t let the sushi snobs tell you that you shouldn’t be allowed to consume sushi just because you like California Rolls.
Sushi Etiquette 101
The one advice I think every sushi lover should take is to stop dunking your already soaking sushi rolls into soy sauce. You are not only ruining the flavor of the fish–fish does not taste like soy sauce–but you’re also taking away from the flavors of the Americanized roll prepared for you, which should already be heavy in eel sauce & mayo. It’s kind of a slap in the face to the sushi chefs just as asking for A1 or ketchup when you’re eating a steak at a fine steakhouse. Just don’t do it. Promise? Alright, everybody grab some rubbers.
Speaking of fancy dining, Valentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day is coming up! What are your plans when this holiday rolls around? Will you be celebrating it or will you boycott all the commercialism that goes on this day & tell everyone to shove it while you Treat Yo Self to a nice relaxing day at the spa on the 15th? Remember, just as it’s not a crime to love California Rolls, it’s not a crime to be single either.
Ah man, I can’t remember what my last time having sushi
was….. these rolls looking delicious c: I’m a person that’s
easy to please so having sushi at a regular place is fine!
I don’t like take out instant sushi tho…. And I agree about
dunking your sushi in soy making the soy almost
swimming in the dish….. Xx
There are a lot of sushi restaurants near my house that are high quality & offer take-out so that’s always a plus!! But of course, the take-out sushi place I got this from is just okay.
I question people when they soak their rolls in soy sauce. It makes me question whether or not they actually enjoy sushi or just soy sauce!
Mmmm oh goodness I adore sushi. My old city used to have sushi bistros all over the place, but ever since I moved there are none. It makes me so sad. The only ones they have aren’t very authentic, they just taste like american food with a hint of Japanese 🙁
And I agree with you about the soy sauce deal! People cover their sushi with it and I think it’s just silly (and also unhealthy). It ruins the entire taste of the dish and it makes people look kind of dumb!
Have a great Valentines 🙂
-Veronica http://www.splashofglamour.us
Really?? There aren’t any in Pennsylvania near your area? I would’ve thought it would’ve been a metropolitan of vast cultures & food. I am really spoiled to be in OC, CA where there’s pretty much every cuisine available within a 30 mile radius. I definitely take it for granted.
It really is unhealthy! Nigiri is pretty healthy, but the baked rolls & the other Americanized monstrosities that are ordered are incredibly unhealthy (delicious though), but then people dunk them into soy sauce & you’re sitting there thinking, “um…there’s baked mayo & eel sauce all over your sushi & you’re going to dunk it in soy sauce …. why…what.. stop.”
Have a great Valentine’s day!
Ahhhh I love that you love sushi! I haven’t had good sushi in SO LONG. The take out places I have at home are actually pretty good! But now, I’m at school in Alabama, and it doesn’t even qualify as sushi. It’s soooo Americanized (more like southernized) and doesn’t have any flavor. So jealous that you have regular access to good sushi, haha.
I can’t even imagine……but I’m also surprised Alabama has sushi anywhere! Haha just kidding, I think it would since you live on a college campus so it has to be somewhat diverse. It’s too bad you don’t have quality sushi! 🙁 You can always try to go to the Japanese grocery store & get some fish to make yourself? Although you’re a college student so you don’t have time for that…but handrolls are easy to make. Just make some rice + sushi vinegar + salt + sugar, put it on a sheet of nori, slap on the fish, cucumber, & whatever else, roll, munch, satisfaction. 😀
Seriously. This blog. And the food photography/pornography on it. It’s killing me. Please stahpppp.
It’s been the longest while since I’ve decided to have sushi. I love the stuff, but not as much as other things it seems. Plus it’s pretty ridic expensive in London. I often eat at this popular chain Japanese place, but I’ve never had their sushi because I get sidetracked by all the hot dishes available. But yeah, now I’m seriously hankering for a sushi platter!
I know what you mean about people drowning their sushi in soy sauce. I find it too bitingly salty if I do that, because once you saturate all that nice sticky rice, it just tastes like taking a shot of pure soy sauce! Ergh! Also I refuse to believe that even the snobbiest of sushi snobs can truly, deep down dislike a good California Roll! Those things are crowd-pleasers!
Also for Valentine’s Day, I’m doing nothing at the moment. The standard chill Friday night haha! 😀
Ugh, I need to treat myself too. during the 2 weeks of chasing down deadlines, i “treated” myself with caffeine, caffeine and more caffeine to the point of nausea and dizziness (but it was necessary or i couldn’t pull an all nighter!)
….after everything i need to go for sushi >______< seriously, though.. also, I've noticed how people dunk the rice part of the sushi into the soy sauce instead of the sushi…. which is just, um…inaccurate. then again, I'd keep quiet as to avoid sounding like such an annoying dictating human being LOL
(here’s the cont)
also, I have to say… WOMAN, YOU PICKED A VERY GOOD MOVIE TO ENJOY THIS SUSHI INDEED lol *star trek crazed* i can keep watching star trek movies for 1829370420times and still not get bored by it ;P i have serious issues for the two movies…the lens flare, the director, the casts, the everything. no kidding haha..okay i should shut up before i start yelling about how much of an “idiot” jim kirk is
I may not be a sushi expert (though if I were one it’d be cool…because it’s like wow i can justify taste and stuff like a cook…when in reality, the kitchen doesn’t like to be my friend) and as much as i prefer the “real” original japanese-y sushi, i don’t see why people have to dictate (is this even the right word) others who like the americanized rolls… I mean if someone is gonna lecture me that the americanized rolls have like overloaded mayo and stuff (aka fattening/not healthy), i DO agree on that but so what right..as long as the sushi tastes good. the only thing that will turn my bitchy bratty button on is when I have bad sushi on my plate, americanized or not, california or tokyo rolls whatsoever…really. #bitchyqueenmode 😛
oh and yea, the soy sauce overload!
phew, thanks for tackling that issue. I’ve seen most people around me who…for the lack of better word, have no idea how to properly enjoy their sushi. sorry if i sound so arrogant and stuff but really… they think ALL sushi must be drowned in soy sauce >___< seriously, though.. also, I've noticed how people dunk the rice part of the sushi into the soy sauce instead of the sushi…. which is just, um…inaccurate. then again, I'd keep quiet as to avoid sounding like such an annoying dictating human being LOL