Happy New Year to all of you! My last activity around these parts was more than a month ago & the only explanation is that I was pulled into a blackhole called Netflix, sucking up all of my free time. Blog or watch the next episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Just one more…episode…curse you, poor self-control!!! I’m not going to make a New Year’s Resolution list because I always break them & forget them, so I’ll just actively try to control my Netflix binging habits & place myself in a type of productivity rehab. Let’s begin with the first step towards a fresh start: a juice with detoxing properties. I’m not a medical professional (yet) nor am I a nutritionist, so I highly encourage you to use some common sense & do your own research. I’m just some person with a blog, so…yeah, don’t cite me, bro. I call this juice the Sweet Beet Zinger & it’s a great first drink in the morning after a night of partying too hard. But if you partied too hard, get yourself some water to rehydrate & a great meal packed with protein, amino acids, & vitamins.
My mother has a stellar memory bank for numbers & fun stories, so she’d often tell us her hilarious childhood stories as she drove us to school. However, not all the stories she told were her own; many of them were ours. One childhood story my mom frequently told was how I used to sing lullabies to my baby brother, but with silly lyrics that were reflective of my language acquisition at that age such as phrases on mowing the grass. A story my mom still loves to tell is how Toddler Tiffany used to absolutely love squatting down in the snow, grabbing a handful of it, & just eating it like it were a doughnut. I may have been born in the spring, but I swear my ethos/spirit animal is a beluga whale. Sad news for Adult Tiffany: there’s no snow in Southern California for me to eat. Adult Tiffany prefers winter over summer. Adult Tiffany thinks speaking in third person is really lame, but for some reason, is still doing it.
So, what about all of those summer recipes you keep posting then, you ask? Listen, you can’t fault me for capitalizing on the season, its fresh fruits, & great recipe inspirations that come with it. Just because I’m bad with heat, doesn’t mean I don’t love the recipes of the season! Now that I’m back from my holiday, I’m posting two new recipes. Since California is experiencing the worst drought in the history of recorded droughts, it’s not exactly wise for us to be participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness for ALS, however you can still do something to help spread the word & donate to the cause. You can dump pool water on yourself while you’re in a pool or ice water while you’re standing over an area of your garden that needs watering. What else can you do? Well, shoot, just make some ice pops or an iced tea, social media that thing, & head on over to ALSA.org to donate! No offense to the guy who came up with the challenge, but I’d rather do something useful with ice than to let it go to waste. Tired of ice pops & iced tea recipes, you say? How about sangria with boba instead?
With my love for boba & Two Buck Chuck, why not combine the two with some fresh fruit & juice for a delicious original concoction for your next Sunday Brunch? So, how do you trick your tastebuds into thinking you’re on a tropical holiday you ask? Well, follow the simple steps below. (Remember to hover over the images for captions.)
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Summer is nearly, kind-of-but-not-really almost over, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t enjoy a refreshing ice pop on a bright & hot sunny day. At the peak of the season, I went on a bit of a fruit binge, so I got a tray of nectarines & peaches to use in my morning smoothies alongside blueberries, raspberries, & strawberries. We got a new blender over a month ago, so I’ve been utilizing all the fruits within my reach to whip up–or blend up, rather–some refreshing & healthy smoothies. You know how it is, gotta get that “daily 5” in somehow! This recipe is simple, healthy, & absolutely kid-friendly, but if there aren’t any kids around I’ve got a solution for that too. Add an extra zing to it by adding peach alcohol – 4-5 shots should be fine. No one will get drunk off the ice pops, don’t worry…that is of course, unless you eat all 10 ice pops in one sitting.
Moving past the lugubrious notion that summer is coming to an end, cheer up with a wonderful smoothie with some seasonal fruit!
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In the 2+ decades of my existence, I cannot recall a time when I actually celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. In fact, most of the time I completely forgot it was that time of the year again to wear green to avoid this absurd tradition of getting pinched. While the bars around my campus were stocking up on green beer, I was studying for finals. This year is no exception, however this time, I’m bringing you recipes to celebrate St. Patty’s day even though I’ll still be at home, studying. Today, I present two recipes using bright green colors perfect for any lunch or dinner party you might host for St. Patty’s day or any other celebration. They’re simple, refreshing, & you can make them both in 20 minutes or less. More green recipes will be on the way, but they’ll probably be delayed until after my exam on the 22nd.
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Chai Latte from Makai |
The late UCLA basketball Coach & legend John Wooden once said to, “make everyday your masterpiece,” & if I could pick one day out of my Spring Break that I’d call my masterpiece, it’d probably be Saturday. I awoke early enough to get dressed, grab some poke for Kevin & myself, drove to Long Beach to meet up my friends Kristin & Tempest, had amazing dinner with Vy in Newport Beach, & then drove us to Hollywood to go to PURE nightclub.