So, I’m the worst & I really thought I’d be able to edit all of those photos from my trip to Thailand & Vietnam last summer during winter break. I got some of it done, just not all of it. I’m ashamed, but I had other priorities such as allowing Civilization V to ruin my life with my friends. Just one more turn, right? Well, that’s over with. I’m back in Boston, which means it’s about high time I get my act together. Despite having a -9000 presence in the blogosphere this past month, I still got to team up with to make a pizza that was inspired by one of their many hotels. I immediately thought of Paris, only because I really have no idea how I would have time to spray paint neon butterflies & mushrooms to put on a pizza for the Wynn. Since the hotel capitalizes on Parisian culture–or at least what they think is–you’ll easily find French Onion soup & quiche on their menus. This is awkward; I forgot how to blog so I’m just going to cut to the chase: I made a pizza that tastes like the lovechild of a mushroom quiche & French Onion soup. Here’s the part where I make you click a link to stay on my page longer to see my photos. Also, don’t forget to check out resorts in Vegas if you want to spend Spring Break soaking in the heat, day drinking, & pool party life. Wait, that actually sounds really nice right now considering my feet are frozen right now.
Today, I’d like to share with you my delicious new recipe of Blackened Cocoa Fish Tacos, which has a fantastic mix of coffee & cocoa powder. Coffee infused with cocoa is also a great alternative to coffee + cocoa powder. After my nearly month old post on South American inspired recipes, I’ve found myself on a bit of Latin kick. While I haven’t explored much of Boston’s offerings–honestly I’ve been told that there’s not much to explore anyway, I mean we don’t even have Valentina or Tajin, you guys; the struggle is real–I love making my own Latin dishes whether it’s tacos, nachos, enchiladas, or mole. Seeeee, I don’t only eat sushi & various Asian food, gosh.
Lacey, one of my best friends who’s currently studying abroad in Sydney, took note of my absence on TB the other day. She knows I loathe Facebook, so I don’t update it, which means she doesn’t get updated on what I’m doing with my life unless it’s on my Instagram or I text her. Well Lacey & other curious/noisy people, I’m updating, so I hope you can handle it. You ready?? I’m ready.
Last month, my former roommate Gaby visited me in Boston. She had never been before & wanted to eat ALL THE THINGS. Not only did Gaby & I share a bedroom back at our days at UCLA, we also share very similar backgrounds. Both our fathers are physicians, our parents are immigrants, our cultures value family & good food, & obviously, we both grew up in Southern California. Aside from all that, Gaby is a delight to dine & travel around the city with. She’s up for anything & eats it all, raw, cooked, fermented, whatever! She has a much stronger aversion to fennel than I do, which makes pho–a very popular Vietnamese noodle soup–on her list of, “I wish I could like it, but it has fennel [seeds].” So while she was here, we avoided Vietnamese food because no one (besides Vietnam) does Vietnamese food like SoCal anyway & went for New England’s finest: clam chowder, lobster rolls, & oysters. Gaby didn’t get to try my tacos, she did get a bowl of my Bun Rieu, a delicious Vietnamese tomato & crab noodle soup that happens to both be our favorites. It’s my specialty Vietnamese soup & her favorite thing I make. I hear she’s paying me in a surprise package of Valentina & Tajin, so I’m really excited. La vida es mejor picante!! Una vida sin picante es una vida muy triste. Muchas gracias, Gaby. 🙂
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Although I’m not the type of girl who wants flowers & designer gifts ever, Josh surprised me with my favorite flowers, homemade dinner, & dessert for Valentine’s Day. The flowers have already been thrown out by now, but the half-eaten macarons are still sitting in my fridge. I should probably finish those before they start to harbor a safe haven for mold. Last weekend would be one of the most delightful weekends I had in a while, but every weekend with @CupofJosh is like a spoonful of honey. He made me dinner for Valentine’s Day–we make each other dinner every weekend, he just got me dessert this time–we had a night out on the town for Bryan’s birthday, we got work done together the next day, & to end the weekend, we celebrated our first anniversary as a couple. Without trying to melt your eyeballs out with cheese, I’ll make this quick & to the point: my year with Josh has been nothing short of wonderful & if you asked me, I wouldn’t be able to tell you when the “honeymoon stage” ended because I still feel over the moon because of all the feeelzz for mah boothang. As is evident, my level of literacy diminishes when I have to express the feels.
Last weekend + a new recipe in pictures followed after the jump!
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Venice! |
My study abroad program in Brighton is sadly over, which means my adventures in Europe are over…for now. I’m vowing to return to Brighton to see the things some of my peers got to see–such as the countryside & Sussex castle–that I didn’t get to see. Although London was my favorite city to visit on the weekends, living in Brighton for 8 weeks felt like a home away from home. I never wanted to leave! Still in denial that I’m back in the States & that it’s all over *cries*.
Layout update no one cares about other than me: Extended the banner, added new pictures, extended the content area. Decided that pictures henceforth these albums shall be 780 by 517 pixels. Should’ve done this before I went to Europe though…oh well. Still have the originals for all the photos.