L-R: Me, Alex, Bryan, Felix, & David |
This summer might not be as fantastic as I initially thought it’d be, but I did have an entire week of play including trips to the San Diego Zoo with Josh, Little Italy, University of California, Riverside (UCR) for Bryan’s graduation, Costa Mesa for Allison’s Going Away Party, & other food adventures in SoCal. Now it’s back to the grind with summer classes, applications, & clinical research. However, that’s not to say that my Lana Del Rey inspired title is completely accurate as there will be much fun to be had when I’m not staring at my computer for school or research. For the sake of maintaining a positively themed photojournal–I mean, if I wanted to be depressing, I should just change my theme to black, amiright?–I’ll post some of my highlights from the past week.
Partyin’, Partyin’, Yeah!
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend
I figured I’d start the highlights off with a poorly written song so that the remainder of this post wouldn’t seem as elementarily written. OH WELL, IT’S MY BLOG & I CAN STUPID IF I WANT TO.
My 23rd Birthday
I don’t have any pictures from that night’s dinner, but I’m really happy that my friends eventually showed up to have Dim Sum with me!
Allison’s Going Away Party
Liz & Allison |
You girls will be sorely missed & I’m so proud & happy for the both of you. May you two succeed & find joy in your future & current endeavors. Thanks for always welcoming me into your apartment & having me at your big life celebrations. Love you girls!
Bryan’s Graduation
Congratulations to Bryan on his graduation! You are without a doubt, my brother from another mother, & I’m so proud of you & wish you the best of luck on your studies this summer as you prepare for those dreaded LSATs! Vacation soon!!
Huge thanks to Felix for inviting me to carpool with him to Bryan’s graduation. I wouldn’t have known about it had he not told me. Since he kept asking me when I’d update my photojournal, I’m writing this just for him & his 80% troll, 20% serious personality.
Noteworthy Meals of the Week
This was obviously necessary to maintain my 90% food to miscellaneous pictures ratio.
San Diego Zoo
Knowing my commonsensical obsession & affection for koalas, Josh surprised me with a trip to see the newest exhibit at the San Diego Zoo called Koalafornia. All the koalas were sleeping, but I saw them nonetheless. Extraordinary significant others indulge your adorable animal neuroses. Also, panda. Saw a panda cub. Dreams do come true. Thanks a trillion, Joshuuuu; youdabest.
Recently Added Albums
I strongly encourage everyone to reload/refresh their page when they visit the gallery seeing as I’ve updated the cover to a picture of the beach. If you’re still seeing sushi, keep do da refreshhh!
- My 23rd Birthday
- Allison’s Going Away Party
- Bryan’s Graduation
- Kokoro
- San Diego Zoo
- Monello
- Craft & Commerce
- Little Italy
More albums from last week later.
I’m glad you had a fun week before summer classes started! I especially liked looking at your zoo gallery. I still love zoos and aquariums, no matter how old I am. That’s cool that it had a panda cub too. I love pandas! 😀
Pandas are so adorable. My mom describes their coat as similar to them sporting a shirt! She also wants me to steal her one…as if I could if I wanted…
I’m glad you enjoyed looking through my zoo gallery!
Wait wait wait…YOU WERE AT UCR AND DIDN’T TEXT ME?! WHAT IS THIS?! 🙁 Haha…jk.But seriously tho!
Is that dim sum at the Ocean Star dim sum place? The one on top of the Half & Half? That’s where I usually go to with my friends too!
Is the San Diego Zoo any good? I want to go, but I don’t know if it’s worth the money to go.
Anyways, congratulations on graduation! And good luck in summer school and your future endeavors! 🙂 You’ll do great things!
Hahaha I thought you were back home! I went on Monday, so you had already graduated then!
Also, no, the dim sum restaurant is called Seafood Cove #2 in Westminster.
The SD Zoo is actually one of the best zoos in the world. It continually improves, but don’t go expecting Disneyland. It’s great to see the animals & you can feed Giraffes, but you can’t actually pet any of them. Not a petting zoo. If you’re an animal person like I am, you’ll love it! Especially seeing the koalas, pandas, & polar bears. 😀 It’s a very educational visit!
& thanks, Ivy! 🙂 You tooooo.
Monday, eh? He’s a engineering major? 🙂 Nope, I haven’t moved back just yet. I’m trying to stay here as long as I can. :\ I don’t want to go back home!
Sounds like SF Zoo. But where I want to go the most before I leave is the aquarium. 🙂
Yep! He was a bio engineer major. Definitely not a walk in the park degree! Let me know when you do move back home. Maybe I’ll send you something! So send me your address. 🙂
I’ve never been to the SF zoo before! One day….I’ll go. You should definitely visit the aquarium though, specifically, the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific!! Really neat. 🙂 Boycott Seaworld though. Watch The Cove to seeee why.
Happy 23rd Birthday! Dim sum is like one of the best asian/chinese comfort foods in my opinion lol!! 😀 lookin fab in your dress dear! :]
Joyce @ carouselstreet.com
I agree! I absolutely love Dim Sum! Thanks, Joyce. 🙂
Excuse me for a moment as I laugh at your reference to PARTYIN PARTYIN YEA lol I remember making fun of this with my friend for days because it’s really a….scary song 😛
I kind of miss dim sum, to be honest…because I love love steamed buns and dumplings so much. But I heard one dumpling is really high in calories/fat? Hm… after hearing that, I’m like, “Oh. I’d rather eat pizza than get my high calories from pizza” OTL I’m starting to be a paranoid again x__x
This is really creepy, but I really like seeing your pictures *o* and I mean, pictures of you hehe you just seem like a friendly person I’d love to talk to in real life (;w;)/
alright. back to proper commenting.
ack, the sushi. sushi porn. JAPANESE FOOD PORN. /dead…
I tend to eat like a rhino whenever I go to sushi bars -__-;; ugh really baddd for my body.. sigh
Koalas are so cuttteee ;w; ah well, all animals are cute imo 🙂 koalas and sloths, I wanna see them with my own eyes *o* they’re so adorable they’re always hanging by the trees/tree trunk like big bosses *A* not to mention sloths have pitiful faces hahaha
P.S: I really, really /hate/ your food pictures. *bows down* now I’m craving for sushiii and it’s all your fault :s lol
Unless you’re eating a pizza with a very thick crust & it’s stuffed with cheese & topped with endless amounts of meat, pizza isn’t too high in calories if it’s just cheese, thin crust, marinara, & basil…so a margherita pizza! But indeed, that is healthier than eating dim sum. However, everything in moderation. 🙂 I prefer eating unhealthy Asian food, including Indian, than unhealthy any other type of cuisine. Asian bias! hahaha.
Aw thanks, girl! I appreciate hearing that. 🙂 It’s not creepy, don’t worry. I think we all appreciate a photo blog/journal that showcases the person that runs it. You know, I’M REAL. Those anonymous ones….you just can’t seeeeem to relate to them because you’re all, “you’re either ugly or you’re not real or you’re famous or …I don’t know, I don’t care. SHOW ME YER FACE.” Maybe…maybe that’s just me.
Japanese food is generally very healthy for you. If you pig out on Japanese cuisine, so long as the rolls aren’t drenched in Japanese mayo & topped with extravagant eel sauce, you should be okay. Although, … mercury consumption is an issue!