Not too long ago, Josh & I went to the Long Beach Antique Market where I purchased a bunch of succulents to make terrariums. Since the last time I made Beach Themed Terrariums, I still had a large brown paper bag full of supplies needed to make more terrariums. All I really needed was soil, salt crystals, & activated carbon & I was ready to plant!
Putting together a terrarium is very simple as is taking care of them. They’re really low maintenance–unlike a needy significant other–& require little water & a good amount of sunlight. If you’re interested in making your own terrarium, but you don’t know where to start check out my tutorial here. If you’re interested in finding a significant other that relies only on sunlight, water, & love, I’d suggest you try harvesting a PlantSim. They’re not real so, guess you have to deal with human needs like the rest of us!
I decided to pick up some vegetable seeds to plant because my Herbal Terrariums were a bit short lived due to improper care & neglect. This time around, I decided to plant organic beans & San Marzano tomatoes outside. I’ll post up the progress report of those vegetables/fruits in a week or so when they germinate. Hopefully bugs won’t munch on them before they even sprout. I’d be so saddddd. QQ all day. Click the photo below to unfold more pictures of the terrariums I made & the steps I took to make them!
Terrariums make great gifts for anyone who needs a little more green in their home. If you can’t find any succulents, try finding seed packets of herbs to plant instead. Although your gift will seem like a pretty glass bowl with soil in it, you should make sure you let your gift receiver know that in a few days, herbs will sprout! Or if you want to be a jerk, just give them a pretty glass bowl with soil in it & blame them for their inability to grow plant life. Hope all of you have a happy Valentine’s Day/Friday!
They look lovely! These are perfect for my poor skills of keeping plants alive lol. 🙂
Thank you! I’d love to see how yours turn out if you ever make any. 🙂
I have awful skills of taking care of anything that doesn’t let me know when it needs something. I am so lazy and forgetful! They look awesome though!
They’re really easy to take care of though so you only have to water them once a week. 🙂
OH MY GOD I LOVE TERRARIUMS. When I was little, my mom never let me make one because it would “attract bugs” or something like that. Whatever. Still bitter about it. I’m way to lazy to start a real garden, so terrariums are basically perfect for me haha.
These are sooooo cute! If I had my way, I would literally have them all over my room. I love when people make them in fishbowls or candy jars!
My mom says the same thing about terrariums, but I don’t really have that problem. If you really want to put together a terrarium & you’re worried about bugs though, try planting carnivorous plants. Yep, that’s right, the plants that eat bugs. They’re pretty & they’ll eat the bugs for you. Think of them like your decorative spiders!
You can find a small carnivorous plant from Michael’s or some craft store that has the little “grow your own x plant!” in a small little plastic egg. You’ll need carnivorous plant soil though!
Okay, dumb question but… do terrariums attract bugs? I’ve always loved the idea of setting some up around my room but I hate bugs.
Depending on where you’re located, they may or may not attract bugs. The moisture from the soil may attract some gnats, but I’ve never had too many issues with it. If you’d like an easy solution, you could plant carnivorous plants with some of the succulents. They’ll eat the flies that may be in your room & your problem will be solved. 🙂
I’m going to try this! I live in an apartment block and I miss having green around me, but I can’t put grow bags on the tiny balcony because of the wind. These are so delicate and pretty, but at the same time so practical for me! The blue crystals you put in looked beautiful! Thank you for sharing these =]
I’m so glad you like them. 🙂 They’re really nice indoor plants so long as you have adequate sunlight. They don’t need to be in direct sunlight, but so long as there is sun & a bit of water, they’ll thrive.
Those look great! I always like the idea of having plants in the home but I can’t stand the bugs and I’m worried my cats will try to snack on them 🙁 This brings me to the same question as Raisa, do terrariums attract bugs?
Depending on where you live, they can attract bugs if the soil you placed them in is overly damp. You don’t want to water the succulents too much nor too often. Once a week will suffice & they don’t need very much. If you keep them indoors they shouldn’t be a problem. I had more problems with growing my herbal terrariums because I had to continually water the sprouts so they could grow. They attracted gnats, but I haven’t really had that problem with the terrariums.
If you do make or buy a terrarium, set up a homemade fruit fly trap so that the flies will go into the trap instead of the terrariums. You’ll have to hang the fruit fly trap because it is quite odorous.
They’re so cuuutttteeee! Can that be said about a plant? I dunno, but they are really nice. You’re right; they are such good decor pieces and I’m pretty anyone who likes pretty things (so basically everyone) would be glad to receive one as a gift.
This post is really tempting me to get a terrarium for myself! Unfortunately, I move around a lot so any plant I buy is guaranteed dead. :/
Looking forward to see how your bean and tomato plants turn out! Planting vegetables brings back childhood memories when my grandma used to always have things growing out in the back garden. Not enough people do this type of gardening nowadays anymore 🙁
This looks amazing! I actually have to put together one for my mother-in-laws classroom and I can use this as a little inspiration!
um wow!! that is really pretty! and definitely a great gift idea. i wanna do this one day!
you should water and provide sunlight for your s/o and tell them they’re ungrateful if they fuss bc the plants don’t make a fuss.
i planted some poppy and daisy seeds the other week but so far only a few of the poppies have began to sprout but i’ll persevere!!
Man, I really dream of having a room where i can have a balcony or veranda and stuff..glass windows where the sunlight can come filtering in (which is gonna be such a good source of natural light if i were to photograph indoor) then i can keep indoor plants, etc sigh… too bad reality isn’t like that haha my room is like a shut in’s -___- full of comics and books and anime stuff and tech/geeky pc related stuff LOL
it’d be such a pity if i have such beautiful terrarium inside my room :)) like it’s the only beautiful thing you’d get to see among the ugly techie things i have.
p.s: fffff- at first when i saw your beach themed terrarium i was like “IT LOOKS LIKE THERE ARE GREEN CATERPILLARS THERE” lol >__< my bad
I’ve been meaning to make a terrarium after your previous entry about them! Your terrariums are so cute and pretty 🙂 I love the way you decorate them. I can’t wait to see the results of your new ones!
Hunnayy, it look so prrettay.
Hahaha you so funny love you.