[8tracks url=”http://8tracks.com/tiffanybee/reasons-for-happiness” width=”500″ height=”500″ flash=”yes” ]
Reasons for Happiness
- Disclosure – Help Me Lose My Mind (SOHN Remix)
- Lana Del Rey – Ride (Barretso Remix)
- Flight Facilities – Two Bodies (feat. Emma Louise)
- Lady – Chromatics
- Chet Faker – Gold (Flume Re-Work)
- ODESZA – Say My Name (feat. Zyra)
- Lana Del Rey – Born to Die (Monsieur Adi Remix)
- Mr Little Jeans – Don’t Run
- The Aston Shuffle – Won’t Get Lost (Flume Remix)
- M83 – Kim & Jessie
- Wild Nothing – Counting Days
- Clams Casino – The World Needs Change
- Monarchy – Video Games vs Phoenix Alive
- Flume – Sleepless (Cosmo’s Midnight Remix)
YAY a filler post!! You know you’re totally not bothered by this because it’s ad-free music I made to make you happy. I’ve been so caught up with school & work that I’ve been neglecting TB & everyone I normally interweb stalk. It’s not you, I promise, it’s just me & life. So, please enjoy this fun, slightly nostalgic, synth-pop-whatever playlist of fantastic vocals & upbeat tempos. & of course I had to include Lana Del Rey remixes because YAAAS QUEEEEN. Shut up. 😛
I wanted to get back into the swing of things by creating a massive amount of queued posts throughout July & August because I’ll be away on holiday. My family & I are going to Thailand for fun & then we’ll be joining MEMO–an amazing nonprofit organization aimed to help the underprivileged in developing countries–in Vietnam. I’m so incredibly excited to visit Thailand for the first time & also thrilled to visit Vietnam again (& for a good cause too!). The first time I went, I was 12 & absolutely hated it–mostly due to the company (or more like an individual jerk/bully)–which, formulated my negative perception of the country. But I’ll never forget how delicious the food was, although I think Southern California’s pho is better than the bowls I had in Vietnam. I’m now nearly a whole decade & a half older than I was when I visited Vietnam, so my mind is wide open to enjoy the nature & beauty of the country. Prepare your browser for massive amounts of pictures in 2 months, you guys. It’s going to be awesome. Thailand & Vietnam might not hold any records for having the world’s fastest bullet trains or the cleanest cities, but I think both countries are underrated holiday destinations. Although, Vietnam holds the record for the largest underground cave. In fact, it’s own forest & wildlife. You bet your bottom there’ll be a bunch of food pictures & YOU WILL ENJOY IT BECAUSE FOOD IS ART. CAPS LOCK. 📷🍜 In all seriousness, I really look forward to visiting the Motherland & helping those who desperately need aid. I was going to make a joke about running amongst my peeplz, but all humans, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual preference are my peeplz. We are all human & we’re all animals made of stardust. 🌠✨💫
Tell me all about your summer vacation plans or where you wish you could revisit or plan on visiting one day! Also, tell me what you think of the playlist. It’s okay if it’s not your jams, you’re wrong. Just kidding, to each their own!