Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is for everyone to be gifted the vaccine so we can have herd immunity & this dumpster fire, train wreck of a year can finally be over. Please send extra goodies to all the scientists for their brilliant work on the COVID-19 vaccine. K thanks, bye.
With Love,
Seasons greetings, y’all! Does anyone remember when I used to do Musical Mondays? Unfortunately, 8Tracks has changed to a premium service & it’s not exactly Monday, but just pretend for a moment it is so that this post has a point.
If you haven’t annoyed your earholes with Christmas songs yet, I’ve got a playlist for you. I curated an 8-hour playlist of Christmas songs for you to blast while you’re cooking, eating, opening your presents, browsing Instagram, avoiding the news, Zooming with your relatives, or whatever it is you’re doing this holiday season.