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Since arriving in California to spend Winter break, I’ve felt awkwardly sluggish. I don’t know if there’s something in the air or if my body is taking on the persona of a geriatric patient with back pain because sitting in a flying tube for 6+ hours without food is upsetting, but it’s taking me 3x as long to edit photos. I have a thousand photos to get through–no exaggeration, I’m serious–but it feels like work so I keep taking breaks. Even the thought of posting a recipe seems so daunting to me, yet I posted two effortlessly last night, at 1 AM. None of this is so bad, I think my brain reverts back to being an annoying teenager whenever I’m in my room. None of the things I do for the website is even difficult besides the coding, so I’m just complaining to complain…like a teenager. This doesn’t mean I’m an angsty teenager who’s glum, I’m anything but – I’m quite happy, but full of complaints concerning the fog in my brain. Note to self: you’re in your 20s, be a real adult.
In any case, like a wealthy parent who’s too busy to spend time with their kid, I’m going to buy your love & forgiveness–for neglecting the blog & not socializing with you for the last month–with two new recipes & gallery updates. Two weeks ago on Instagram, I posted a photo of Sesame Peanut Noodles. If you wanted the recipe, here it is. A month ago, I posted a photo of Falafel Salad with Tzatziki & if you wanted the recipe for Tzatziki, well here it is. I find being productive via TB is really rewarding, yet my brain is still yawning. At least I work with a smile on my face, regardless. My reason for happiness is simple really: food. Food always manages to make me happy & the company I surround myself with makes enjoying the food even better.
Sesame Peanut Noodles
These delicious noodles are vegan & packed with protein! Add tofu or any other source of protein for an extra boost. This recipe is great for a post-workout meal (carb refresh & minty freshness!) & if you’re allergic to peanuts, try using an almond or cashew butter. Desire an extra creaminess? Add coconut or almond milk instead of salted water. This dish can be served cold or hot, making it versatile for the winter, spring, autumn, or summer! Have your eyes on the tea & adorable tea cup that changes colors? You can order the Coffee Pu’erh &/or Candy Canes Colour Changing Perfect Mug from DavidsTea.com if you live in the US or Canada.
Tzatziki is a delicious & light Greek sauce you can use as dip, dressing, or condiment in a pita wrap or sandwich. This sauce is vegetarian, easy to make, & budget friendly. Do you have a tub of plain Greek yogurt in your fridge, extra virgin olive oil in your pantry, garlic in the fridge, & salt & pepper on your spice rack? Well, you’re half way there! You just need some dill, lemon, & cucumber. How easy is that? Pretty incredible right? Impress your friends by bringing this dip & some pita chips for your next potluck. Aching for the falafel recipe? Hold onto your panties, it’ll be posted soon enough & I mean it!
Feed Your Eyes & Your Belly
- Sesame Peanut Noodles Recipe (Vegan)
- Tzatziki Recipe (Vegetarian)
- Muelle
- Mo Ran Gak
- Costa Mesa
- Himalayan Grill
- Tsujita Annex
- Boston: Day 1
- Boston: Day 2
- Boston: Day 3
- New Haven: Day 1
- New Haven: Day 2
- New Haven: Day 3
- New Haven: Day 4
Still more photos from other Boston adventures & Thanksgiving coming up. Hopefully I took enough appetizing food pictures for y’all to enjoy staring at!
I love these sesame noodles, would really like to try them! Tzaziki is one of my favorite things, too, so light, healthy and delicious!
Both recipes are easy to replicate! Thanks for stopping by, hope they turn out great for you.
I don’t have any ponzu sauce, but I found a recipe for it, so I’m thinking of making something like this, this week!
TZATZIKI IS THE BEST THING EVER. The first time I tried it, I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven because it tasted so wonderful. I’m only sad it took me 25-years-or-so to discover it XD
Your noodles look great. I like how it’s vegan, so I’ll have to try that out one day 😀
And ditto on food bringing happiness. One of my co-workers truly believed that food was a great uniter, and she loves sharing her culture and food to everyone. She’s from Guam, so through her, I got introduced to so many wonderful dishes. More people need to be like her 😀
Tzatziki is delicious! It goes very well with lamb and is nice in sandwiches with fresh ingredients. (Use it in a salad sandwich instead of cucumbers and butter!)
Agreeing with Tiffany that it is great to have at parties as a dip with unflavoured chips, crackers, pita bread or crusty bread!
photo editing is really energy consuming x___x it can even take days to finish them especially when it comes to travel photos. i’m annoyed when some people think that photo editing’s supposed to be quick and easy instead of taking ages to finish. i actually have people said this to me. unbelievable.
omg i don’t think i’m gonna lose that “complaining teenager” side when i reach 20 (which is next year aaaaahh ermagehd i don’t wanna). i don’t think i’m gonna completely grow up, you know? like…i’m always a child at heart LOL what am i saying.
i haven’t been checking instagram at all lol. at some point in life i tend to lose interest and the hype to browse instagram. not sure why. maybe because my feed doesn’t interest me anymore 😛
i’ve never heard of tzatziki (what a difficult word to spell and memorize) but i’m gonna try this. someday. when i’m not lazy (i’m hopeless, man). i just don’t have dill right now lol. the fact that your dipping sauce looks pretty makes me wanna try making one~
HAH I feel you. I know people think that if you’re a good photographer, you barely need to edit anything, but taking the picture is half the art! With Lightroom, you get to manipulate the photo to emphasize a mood you want. If I properly exposed my photos, it would make my editing life easier though, but like you’ve observed before, I like my photos to emulate a film look so I edit them accordingly. I prefer film’s soft colors versus digital’s raw color (not like this is bad).
It’s okay to be a kid at heart! Serious people are boring, but there comes a time in your life when you can put things into perspective & you’ll complain, but see that it’s not a big deal. When you have bigger responsibilities as an adult, you’ll probably complain about the small things less or see them as frivolous.
Concerning Instagram: maybe you follow uninteresting people? I love seeing my feed because it’s a mixture of my friends, adorable pups, beautiful scenery, delicious food. Also, I’ve noticed you tend to post more than one thing at a time: Instagram faux pas!! Don’t do it. One at a time, a day at a time.
Tzatziki is a Greek sauce that is enjoyed with plenty of dishes. Not sure if you have any Greek restaurants in your area, but they’ll have it! Great with chips. 🙂
still, i’d like to keep edits minimum though. imo, the only time someone needs to go crazy on their edits is when they don’t know how to take an at least decent raw photo. that’s just my principle.
i can be a kid when i wanna be but when serious time calls for serious act, i can turn into a completely different person – like an oldie trapped in 19 year old features, so my friend described me as.
no, no. i wouldn’t follow them in the first place if they’re not interesting. i don’t go around following people just because they’re my friends – you know, with the whole “oh i follow you, you follow me” rule friends usually insist on pushing. i hate that rules. i just…i sometimes lose interest when my personal issues start kicking in, all numb and empty and just not wanting to do anything. psst, i’m hinting my personal issues here ..i should shut up haha
Honestly, if you get involved in the photography industry, you’ll see that everyone edits their photos. Art isn’t just about how you can use a camera, it’s how you can capture a picture & make it into the picture you envisioned in your head when you shot it. There’s no shame in that & there’s no reason to be judged because you edit your photos in Lightroom & Photoshop out things that got in the way of the photo. National Geographic photographers whether they be wild animal photographers or landscape, edit their photos intensively. Gotta get out of that mindset of minimal editing being the best editing. Yeah sure you shouldn’t need to edit a photo so much if you get all the settings right, but every situation & moment is different. We can’t all adjust our aperture & shutter speed at lightning speed to accommodate for environmental changes.
On the instagram front, I feel you. I tend not to follow friends who don’t interact with me, but are following me. I never get bored of instagram though. I love seeing beautiful photos in my feed. KIND of wish some people would take better pictures (stop shaking, don’t publish blurry photos, edit your photos because they’re dark, stop using that terrible HDR crap, oh my gosh why do you use this terrible filter that makes everything orange???, why’d you zoom in on this friggin piece of sushi so much???), but meh not everyone cares about their instragram’s feed the way I do. On personal issues, don’t worry about it, everyone has their sad days.
I used to feel that way when I’d return to my parents’ place for the holidays. For me, it was a weird feeling of trying to be productive without being in the room that I’m usually productive in, haha. It’s kind of like working from home. I get a lot more done while in the office than when I’m at home.
Both recipes look tasty! I like that they look easy to do too, especially the tzatziki. I love tzatziki!
The tsukemen in your gallery looks sooo good. I’ve been craving ramen lately (and haven’t been yet), and that makes me want it even more, haha. Lovely photos of Boston and New Haven too! I used to visit Boston because a friend lived there, but I haven’t been back since he moved. It’s a nice city!
Cat! You’re the only one who even noted my gallery update so for that, I thank you. 🙂 Thanks for the kind words! I don’t know if Boston has changed since you last visited, but it’s still a charming little city. 🙂
You hit the nail on the head with that first paragraph! Same feelingz.
Very easy recipes indeed. 😀
It’s always that jetlag that makes people feel sluggish. Hopefully by now, you got all of your editing done! I’m the opposite when it comes to coming back to my parent’s house. I’m more productive there because the thoughts of going out are gone *o*.
The sesame peanut noodles sound delicious! I know my boyfriend would love this kind of dish because he loves peanut butter. I gotta give it a try at it one of these days! The tzatziki looks really easy to make omm nom nom.
Happy holidays!
I would like to hope that by the end of the day, I’ll finish more of my photo editing, but it’s never ending. I have 4 SD cards in front of me & one in my computer to sort through. So many recipes & events I never got around to posting! JUST BE DONE ALREADY.
Just a little heads up if you make the noodles, add some water to it if you want to make it saucier & less thick. Additional ponzu will make it pretty salty. Tzatziki is incredibly easy to make & delicious on everything. Happy holidays!!
Thanks for these recipes Tiffany, I’ve been meaning to make my own tzatziki for a while now. I feel like eating something “refreshing” and lemony, something that can remind me of summer and of the beautiful Mediterranean landscape. p.s. I feel the same about editing pics sometimes… it’s almost overwhelming, to the point that I wish I hadn’t taken so many!
Absolutely agree! You’re very welcome for the recipes. Thank YOU for the wonderful shout out in your newest post. I’m going to start doing a new feature with me following recipes of other food bloggers. I’ll try one of your recipes next. Do you have one that you think I should absolutely make that’ll be perfect for winter, yet a great representation of your food style? 🙂
On the photo editing: I agree! I can’t leave them untouched as I used to before anymore because they can always use a bit of a “face lift” so to speak haha! I need them to brighter or to have more contrast.